By Musa Abubakar

The digital age has transformed the way we live, work, and interact. As someone deeply embedded in the realms of online Trust and Safety (content moderation, data quality analysis, digital rights, internet policy enforcement, and regulations), with a keen interest in tech policies across regional and global domains, I have always recognized the importance of robust internet governance.

This year, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of the Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG) 2024, an experience that has significantly enriched my understanding and perspective on internet governance.

The course brought together a diverse group of professionals, policymakers, and academics, creating a rich learning environment. 

Bridging Knowledge and Practice

KeSIG was more than just an academic endeavour; it was a journey of personal growth. The program allowed me to bridge my theoretical knowledge from my Master’s studies with practical insights from experts in the field. 

My background in content moderation and internet policy enforcement across Sub-Saharan Africa and the world at large was deepened through the discussions and case studies presented at KeSIG.

I now have a more nuanced understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in this domain.

The interactive sessions provided an invaluable platform to connect with peers and industry experts. These connections have opened doors for potential collaborations and have enriched my professional network.

Professional Development: Towards Better Internet Governance

Professionally, KeSIG has equipped me with the tools and knowledge to contribute more effectively to the field of Internet governance.

With a better grasp of Internet governance frameworks, I can now approach content moderation and tech policies with a more informed perspective, ensuring that policies are not only implemented effectively but also align with broader governance principles.

The course has empowered me to engage more actively in policy advocacy. I am now better prepared to contribute to policy development processes, ensuring that they are inclusive and reflective of the diverse needs of our digital society.

Completing the KeSIG 2024 course has been a significant milestone in my journey. It has not only broadened my understanding of Internet governance but also reinforced my commitment to contributing positively to this field.

As I continue my Masters in Cybersecurity and pursue my professional endeavours, I am confident that the knowledge and skills gained from KeSIG will serve as a strong foundation for my future contributions, and I look forward to applying the insights gained to drive positive change in internet governance, ensuring that our digital spaces are secure, inclusive, and well-regulated.

Thank you KICTAnet and the KeSIG Faculty for this amazing experience!

Musa Abubakar is a Masters in Cyber Security student at Mount Kenya University and one of the Pioneer Content Moderators for Sub-Saharan (SSA) African markets.

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