The Kenya Youth IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (Youth MAG) role is to assist in convening the Kenya Youth IGF Meeting by preparing the programme, logistics and schedule and improve the youth engagement and meaningful participation in IGF process through community consultations, outreach and stakeholder engagement. MAG members volunteer and serve in their personal capacity, and are expected to have established linkages with their respective stakeholder groups.

The key tasks include the following:

  • Develop the detailed programme of the Youth IGF meeting, including the identification of themes, taking into account inputs of all relevant stakeholders;
  • Determine how best to plan, organise and facilitate the annual IGF meeting;
  • Coordinate panels and provide support and guidance to panellists, moderators and speakers at the meeting;
  • Promote the work of the IGF amongst all stakeholders and foster multi-stakeholder participation and collaboration;
  • Attend MAG meetings – virtual or in-person as and when the situation warrants;
  • Engage in outreach communication to the wider community and bring other networks related to Internet governance into the discussions and planning;
  • Explore new networking and fundraising opportunities for contributions to support the event;
  • Identify emerging Internet governance issues and other areas in need of discussion, research or recommendation; and,
  • Support any other function of the larger Kenya IGF and providing accountability to the community.

It’s important to note that the decisions in the Youth MAG meetings are by consensus, and members will have equal say. The discussions and planning will continue to take place throughout the course of April and June through in-person and virtual meetings.

Youth MAG membership shall be renewed on a yearly basis contingent on their engagement and contributions and thereafter is rotated to enhance diversity and bring in new viewpoints. Youth MAG members serve on a voluntary basis.