By Raylenne Kambua

My experience at the Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG) was nothing short of enlightening.

Before the Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG), my understanding of the Internet was limited to its surface-level functionalities.

However, the program delved deep into the internet’s intricate workings, from its inception to its current state and future trajectory.

I was particularly fascinated by the exploration of Internet governance models and the roles of key international organizations.

Understanding the dynamics between different stakeholders and the challenges they face in shaping the internet’s future was eye-opening.

The course also highlighted the critical importance of data privacy and security in today’s digital age. The insights gained into artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society were equally valuable.

KeSIG has empowered me with the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to Internet governance discussions and initiatives.

I encourage anyone passionate about the digital world to embark on this transformative journey.

Ms Raylenne Kambua, Digital Media Associate and Program Assistant International Association of Women in Radio and Television -Kenya

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